Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Clipper Ships

This project was inspired by Deep Space Sparkle's lesson

I found a painting of a Clipper ship online, and then drew step by step on the white board with my students. They did great! lots of sails and some complex shapes. I haven't done this with my second school yet, but will post pictures here when I get to it.
After the drawing, everyone painted the sails and I showed them how to do the shading along the left side and bottom to make the sails look full of air. I also showed them how to do a very light wash over the whole sail and then darken with more pigment in the shadow area and blend out. I had to show most of the students on their own painting what I meant, but eventually they all figured it out. Lots to learn!
I tried to show them how to paint the waves light on the peaks and darker down below, but I don't think that ended up coming across very well and I just ended up letting them have more fun with that part since the first part was more intense.
I also showed my students how to draw a dolphin and whale jumping out of the water, and I required each to draw one. Some of the students in my second class chose to do some outlining in sharpie pen. 

Lots of pictures this time! Grades 1-5.

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