Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Connor's harbor boats

My brother asked me to paint a "harbor" painting for him for his Christmas/birthday (two days after Christmas) present. He built a room for himself in our garage and wants art on the walls hah. So I started on a painting for him before Christmas, I got the sky done then...  Then a few weeks ago I painted the ships and water, and today I finished it up finally! It's not much of a sunset like he wanted, but it was the best overall picture that I could find for a source.
Click on the picture to see it larger!
I had fun painting the cloud, especially the edge of the cloud as it whispily blends into the sky. I used my new manganese blue mixed with lemon yellow to create the turquoise in the lower right corner and also mixed in with the blue in the ocean.  Ahh so peaceful :)