So I finally got the book
Alla Prima by Richard Schmid and read it over the past few weeks. I have really loved learning more about painting this year, and I can see myself growing and becoming more confident. I still have so much to learn and master, but at least I'm not afraid to try :) If you are serious about painting, READ THIS BOOK! He paints completely from life, almost always in one sitting, which is the best way to paint. I don't think I will always be able to paint from life, but I definitely need much more experience from painting from life. Sooo.... Yesterday, I picked some knockout roses from our garden and set up a little box and a light in my studio and started painting on an 8x10 canvas. I had actually picked some other smaller roses to compliment, but they have so many petals etc that when I got to them I said phooey and got a couple more knockouts and painted them solely instead. It was a good decision. They are really pretty easy to paint I think ;) The harder part for me was today when I had to paint the leaves and the background. I'm still not amazing at that.. but I think it turned out ok. The roses themselves are still my favorite part :)
So here it is!
I did notice that I painted differently this time, partly because of my studying and partly because I painted from life with a smaller amount of time (5 hours yesterday and 3 1/2 today). I am becoming more lose and confident..... that I am learning and progressing....and I'm quite enjoying it :)
In other news, I'm getting stuff ready to start going to art festivals! Purty exciting stuff right there, lots to do to get ready.... Got a tent, got most of the wall/hanging stuff, starting the process of getting prints made etc. All lots of money up front, but I so hope that I can sell paintings! I'll post an update about that soon. I'm going to be doing as many paintings as I can pop out, and I want to do some things other than flowers also, something interesting...still haven't come up with a good idea yet, but look for it! haha.